Once a thriving hardware and building center. Great Highway access and exposure. Main building is concrete block on 3 sides and framed on one for expansion purposes. Has 2 offices (9 1/2 ft x 9 1/2 ft + 9 1/2ft x 11 1/2ft) and a washroom. 6 Exterior Buildings. Bldgs 1 & 2 70ft x 50ft. 16ft ceiling, with power. Sliding doors/ storage lofts and lean to. Bldg 3 50ft x 50ft 16 1/2ft ceiling. Power. Garage door and storage lofts. Bldg 4 25ft x 70 ft, No power. 14 1/2 ft ceiling. Bldg 5. 111ft x 61ft. 14 ft ceiling. power, office sliding doors. Bldg 6 (south end of property) 25ft x 35 ft 15ft ceiling. 3ft poured concrete foundation. No power.